U16 (Formerly Bantam Tackle) (13-15 yrs.)

Bantams football is for players who turn 13, 14 or 15 during the current year and who are not entering grade 10 in September of this year.

Our team at the Bantam level is the:

  • Grizzlies


  • The game will consist of four (4) quarters of twelve (12) minutes each.
  • The second (2nd) and fourth (4th) quarters will have the last three (3) minutes as stop time as outlined in the Canadian Rule Book for Tackle Football.

Time outs

  • Each team is entitled to two (2) Time Outs per half. Each time out will be one (1) minute in length.

No Direct Contact on Long Snapper

  • No direct contact will be allowed on any player who is in the long snapping position until the player has completed the long snap and has lifted his/her head.
  • PENALTY- Unnecessary Roughness.

Player Numbering

  • There can only be two (2) players on the field wearing numbers that are inappropriate for their position. These players must report to the Referee prior to each play.
  • In extraordinary circumstances the Referee may designate a player for an entire game, thus making reporting to the Referee on each play unnecessary from that point on.
  • Even with the exception above no more than two Players can occupy a position inappropriate by jersey number.
  • Appropriate numbering is outlined in the rule book as:
    • Eligible Receivers - 1 - 39, 70 -99
    • Ineligible Receivers - 40 -69. (Rule 4- Sec. 3- Art. 1).

Home Team Responsibilities

  • The home team as specified in the CDMFA schedule is responsible to have the goal posts padded, provide Downs Box and Stick Chains and provide the people to serve as the Stick Crew.
  • The Home Team is also required to have the field appropriately lined for football and provide for lights and snow removal as required.
  • The Home team must provide an appropriate football for game use.

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