Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is registration?

Registration is open now for the 2023 Fall season

What equipment do I need to have?

Equipment is provided for players, including helmets, pads, socks and Jersey.

A $500 deposit cheque is required before the equipment is issued. The cheque will be returned upon the return of the equipment, clean and in good condition.

Players need to supply their own footwear. Cleats are preferred ( either soccer or football style cleats are acceptable), Football/Sports Girdle (w/ Hip, Thigh pads and Tailbone pads, and Mouth guard.

When is the season?

Spring Tackle Season (Midget):
February to end of May

Spring Flag Season:
March to end of May

Fall Season:
Practices: Conditioning and Practice commences in June 2-3 nights/ per week.
Games: Beginning in late-August into October (potentially mid November if team qualifies for provincials). 1 game per week normally on Saturday or Sunday (sometimes there is a Friday night game)

What about the summer schedule?

July is our Summer Break. There are no formal on-field events during that month. We appreciate that some families travel in the month of August, we just ask that you remember this can be a critical time in team development and athlete learning and try to attend as many practices as possible. If you are unable to attend, please ensure your Coach is informed.

Do you play in the rain?

Yes, football is played in any and all weather, rain, snow, sun. We have a few exceptions to this; if the city closes the fields due to their condition, If the air quality is above a 7, or if there is lightning in the area.

Can girls play football?

ABSOLUTELY - and they do it well!! MWMFA is proud to have many girls participate at all levels and continue on playing even after they age out of the grizzlies

My player is quite small, are there any weight restrictions?

There are no weight classes for minor football in Alberta. Therefore, the decision to play rests with the child and the parent. Please do not ask for your child to play at a lower age class because he/she is small. This type of request will be denied. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule. In general, and in all honesty, we have never seen the size of a player - whether large or small - to be an issue; both large and small players can play football, and can play it very well. Football truly has a position for everyone.

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